This is what i want Room 10.11 to look like in the future.
please leave a nice comment
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
my idea for a new class
this is my plan for adjustments.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Best thing this year
My favorite thing about Frankley school is inter-school rugby it's epic and crazy i think interschool is epic because the teams are challenging and it's so crazy it’s fun trying to win.
Frankley have come 3rd 2 times in a row the games are mostly a close score i love when it is a home game we sometimes have to go to another school to play them
The games are exciting at the start it is disappointing when we lose but i don't mind i say to myself we will win the next game.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Term 4 WIT
this term we started a a new wit it is about learning the snail senses to be able to create an effective snail trap i learned that sails like to to be in wet damp and dark spaces like a bush it is amazing what snails like and can do and not do.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Life ed
Life ed: life ed goes around schools teaching kids about the body healthy food etc life ed is fun to go to i love going to life ed. Megan teaches kids in life ed theres is giraffe named hareled the he makes the kids laugh a lot i really enjoy life ed.
Monday, 19 September 2016
River safty
Gear you will need
1.wetsute Why because it will be cold.
2.socks and shoes Why because there is lots of rocks in rivers.
3.helmet Why because again there is rocks and you can hit your head on the rocks.
4.lifejacket Why because it can keep you afloat and it can lead to a deep area and you can drown with out a life jacket.
If doubt stay out
If you're not sure about a river don’t go in.
Be supervised
When you are at a river make sure you have an adult.
Plan your trip
Always plan your trip before you go so you don’t get lost.
Know your limits
Remember to know your limits and don't push your limits.
Quick write my favrite room in the house
My favorite room in the house is the lounge because i can
lie down and play on my ipad and play minecraft clash of clans spirit anamails and watch youtube and watch TV. And also Relax play games like friv cool maths games on the computer. On my couch there is a leg rest and you can push back and you can lie down easy as and rest and do nothing much apart from lie down.
What is the best thing someone has ever given to you? Quick write
“The best thing that i got is my little kitten from my Mum and Dad his name is snowy i like cats”
“Me and mitchell got an Xbox 1!!! I was so happy but i am so happy that i can’t come up with a another name for happy”.
“I got an ipad mini for 2015 christmas my brother did to YAY!!!”
“My brother got a puppy instead of a kitten his name is kai”.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
This is about the all blacks
Name: Nehe Milner Skudder
Position: wing and Full back.
Age: 25
the year he started playing for the All Blacks: 2015
Name: julian savea
Age: 26
Position: wing
Year he started playing for all blacks:2012
Name: Beauden barrett
Age: 25
Position: first five EIGHTHS
Year he started playing for all blacks:2012
Name: sonny bill williams
Age: 31
Year he started playing for the all blacks:
Name: ardie savea
Age: 22
Year started playing for all blacks: 2016
Name:aaron cruden
Age: 27
Position: first five EIGHTHS
When he started playing for all blacks:2005
Name: Ben smith
Age: 30
Year he started playing for the all blacks:UTILITY BACK
Name: aaron smith
Year he started playing for the all blacks: 2012
Wednesday, 31 August 2016 This is a PDF of the writeing process
White baiting with dad
Editor Logan jones
Creator Logan jones
Characters Dad Mom and mack jock Chapter 1 One week before whitebait season
It was one day before whitebait season and I like white baiting. So I told dad can we go whitebaiting in whitebait season Dad said “ok mack”. YAY!!! I screamed and jumped up and down 5 times before I collapsed to the ground with excitement. YAHOO!!! I yelled Mum shouted!!! Be quiet. Days went by in till whitebait season that night i could not sleep for about 2 or 3 hours but eventually I dozed off. In the morning me and dad had pancakes YUMMY!!! The maple and golden syrup was dripping down the sides of my pancakes. “DAD!!!! WAKE UP AND GET THE GEAR READY” I yell hoping not to wake up mum. Dad said “ok i will get the big net and scupper Net”. “Dad thinks that the big net is high tech so i have to set up the big net.” “ok let's go” Dad said “ok i am ready to go” i said. When me and dad arrived we set up ready for whitebaiting “can you grab the poles” said dad “ok” i said so i went to the back of the truck and grabbed the poles. Suddenly i heard a KABOOM i stop in fright then i heard a rumble rumble then i realized what was happening it was a huge earthquake!!! “AHHHH” i SCREAMED dad yelled “ARE YOU OK MACK YES I yelled back” finally the earthquake is finished” i started to walk back. “Dad is it time to start” i said “yes” dad said “put the big net please” said dad “ok” i said once again i will get the scoop and start i said “ok” said dad so i go get the scoop and go find a spot then as i put it in i find school with probably had 1583 in it and i got 369 of them about 5 mins later and dad got 57 then about 1hour i got 96 and dad got after 10mins 108 then 1hour still did not catch any thing dad said 10 more mins i said ok then i nearly fell into the river dad then said time up i yelled NO!!! Dad said yes then i got at the last second a hole pack of white bait dad was shocked i had 3949 whitebait. Packing up and home Pull the net up Mack dad said ok i said so pull it up and put it in the van dad said hopp in Mack and i said into what the van dad said ok off we go when we got home mum said did you get any whitebait i said yes enough for whitebait fritters for tea then i said is jock back from his friends yes he is upstairs in his room ok JOCK!!! mum yelled YES!!! He replied COME DOWN YOUR BROTHER IS BACK!!! OK!! Jock said hi did you catch enough for fritters yes i said YAY!! He yelled time to start making the fritters ok. Fritters i will make them you can put it in the oven ok TEA TIME DAD YELLED yum jock said we had a fun time i said.
It was one day before whitebait season and I like white baiting. So I told dad can we go whitebaiting in whitebait season Dad said “ok mack”. YAY!!! I screamed and jumped up and down 5 times before I collapsed to the ground with excitement. YAHOO!!! I yelled Mum shouted!!! Be quiet. Days went by in till whitebait season that night i could not sleep for about 2 or 3 hours but eventually I dozed off. In the morning me and dad had pancakes YUMMY!!! The maple and golden syrup was dripping down the sides of my pancakes. “DAD!!!! WAKE UP AND GET THE GEAR READY” I yell hoping not to wake up mum. Dad said “ok i will get the big net and scupper Net”. “Dad thinks that the big net is high tech so i have to set up the big net.” “ok let's go” Dad said “ok i am ready to go” i said. When me and dad arrived we set up ready for whitebaiting “can you grab the poles” said dad “ok” i said so i went to the back of the truck and grabbed the poles. Suddenly i heard a KABOOM i stop in fright then i heard a rumble rumble then i realized what was happening it was a huge earthquake!!! “AHHHH” i SCREAMED dad yelled “ARE YOU OK MACK YES I yelled back” finally the earthquake is finished” i started to walk back. “Dad is it time to start” i said “yes” dad said “put the big net please” said dad “ok” i said once again i will get the scoop and start i said “ok” said dad so i go get the scoop and go find a spot then as i put it in i find school with probably had 1583 in it and i got 369 of them about 5 mins later and dad got 57 then about 1hour i got 96 and dad got after 10mins 108 then 1hour still did not catch any thing dad said 10 more mins i said ok then i nearly fell into the river dad then said time up i yelled NO!!! Dad said yes then i got at the last second a hole pack of white bait dad was shocked i had 3949 whitebait. Packing up and home Pull the net up Mack dad said ok i said so pull it up and put it in the van dad said hopp in Mack and i said into what the van dad said ok off we go when we got home mum said did you get any whitebait i said yes enough for whitebait fritters for tea then i said is jock back from his friends yes he is upstairs in his room ok JOCK!!! mum yelled YES!!! He replied COME DOWN YOUR BROTHER IS BACK!!! OK!! Jock said hi did you catch enough for fritters yes i said YAY!! He yelled time to start making the fritters ok. Fritters i will make them you can put it in the oven ok TEA TIME DAD YELLED yum jock said we had a fun time i said.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Logan J's Post on Friday, 26 August 2016

Over the last two days Logan has been learning to solve addiction and subtraction problems using Place Value. Here are some examples of his great progress...
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Thursday, 31 March 2016
details I can shear.
My first name.
My favorite sport.
My Favorited game outside and inside.
What i like to do.
My favorite movie.
My favorite food.
My favorite drink.
My favorite place.
My favorite country.
What i like to play.
What is my favorite thing to do at school.
What sport i like to play.
whats my favorite chocolate.
My favorite sport.
My Favorited game outside and inside.
What i like to do.
My favorite movie.
My favorite food.
My favorite drink.
My favorite place.
My favorite country.
What i like to play.
What is my favorite thing to do at school.
What sport i like to play.
whats my favorite chocolate.
Thursday, 18 February 2016
This is my avatar. it looks like this because it has to look the same and tell what I like to do. I am holding an iPhone because I like to play games on devises like Minecraft Clash of clans and Boom Beach Trigger fist and Agar. I also watch YouTube. I am wearing sun glasses because I like the sun. I am holding a base ball bat because I like sports like rugby soccer mini ball and I like to play tackle rugby and touch and also league. I have a forest as a background because I like adventuring in the forest and playing Nerf war.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Logan Offline vs online
When I am online I play a mine craft server called hypixel and play hunger games sky wars and build battles. And on my iPad I or so play and clash of clans.
When I am offline I play Nerf war and zombie invasion and bounce on the tramp. And play in the sand pit.
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my Top 10 favorite cars
10 ford mustang gt chrome gold I like the chrome gold and the design of the car EPIC! Moving to number 9 .9 mustang muscle car ...
My quest is to learn how to do a drop kick. These are my videos and photos of me doing drop kicks. These are the steps you need to take to ...
My dream classroom has a roller coaster and a learning room. I also have a maths room. I have a chocolate pool and a money room. It has a se...